Thursday 12 July 2012

In Ruins: Springburn part 1

So I went out exploring again the other day. As is usual these days it was grey and wet outside but I had just got my bike breaks fixed and bought new mudguards so It just had to be done. Because of the dire weather I decided to check out Springburn in North Glasgow, I had been told by a friend in relation to these posts that there is a derelict greenhouse in Springburn park and that was so I had to check it out. Springburn is also conveniently close by so I could get back quickly if the rain got too intense.

Having said this there are no derelict greenhouses in the pictures of this post, nor parks for that matter. This is because on the way to the park, as often happens in Glasgow, I came across a most excellent post apocalyptic abandoned community centre. As usual quite by chance. The building was just in front of the park and I couldn't resist dismounting and checking it out. As you can imagine I took tons of pictures, this post is about the derelict community centre, the next post will be about the greenhouse in the park (hence the part 1 in the title).

The north of Glasgow is not that nice, this is known. The rain and grey skies were not really working for it either the other day. The whole way to Springburn was pretty miserable, all the way through a main road with cars splashing water me, but it had to be done. I actually almost considered turning back at one point, but I realised I was so close that there was no point. 

Eventually I left the main road, and reached a footbridge that crossed the motorway to then go uphill, I was impressed and concerned by the amounts of shattered glass everywhere. Broken bottles are a common occurrence in these parts, but here there was more that usual and bike wheels don't take too well to broken glass. 

As I reached the top of the hill what do I see? 

 This, what do I think? Awesome!
 I usually detest this type of 70s architecture. Its just damned ugly. That's probably why I enjoy watching it in ruins and overgrown by vegetation.  It gives a great glimpse of the post-apocalypse too.
 Yes, will make sure to keep that in mind.
 The door is, of course, blocked.
 Lets walk the perimeter, there are some shops there.
 Nice job blocking the main door and ignoring everything else.
Bridge over troubled...vegetation?
 This must have been the local pub
 Stairs leading to pub
Close up of the pub, this looks pretty cool, I can imagine it being a raider base in a Scottish version of Mad Max. Notice the very effective fence.
 This security company is clearly doing great job at securing the building
 Pub must have been pretty big
 Talisman, not sure what that is, the pub seems to have been called "The Baron", maybe Talisman was the local night club?
 Will make sure to do that
Side façade
See, the houses in the background? Its weird because the whole area seems to be pretty densely inhabited, in spite of the rain there were lots of people outside and I didn't see any shops or pubs too nearby. Makes me wonder why they would abandon the place and leave it to rot in plain sight of all the residents. It doesn't look like there was a fire either.
 I start to take a closer look, this must have been a  high quality restaurant.
 Nice and tidy

Lets check out that stuff on the ground.
 A film! "Da Vinci's War", looks like a really good film.

Unfortunately it was empty so I won't be able to appreciate this quality first hand.
 Costcutters highly portected entrance
 Place has been looted clean, wont find any food here...

 Nice graphing skills
 I'll make sure to do that

 The bridge seem from the lower level, its nice to see a tree growing on a bridge, not sure how that happens.

 Looks like there was a toilet there.
 Time to leave, great spot, would have gone in further but had the bike to take care off and I just didn't trust leaving it unattended.
And on to Springburn park!

I leave you with a swish Google maps frame so you cant see where exactly this place is, no need to thank me.

View Larger Map

Tune in soon for the derelict greenhouse!

1 comment:

  1. Macgleanwayne@gmail.com12 July 2012 at 05:21

    Isn't your bike a sort of time-travel device?
