Tuesday 14 April 2009

Blog day one

Hello and welcome, I've been meaning to write a halfway decent blog for quite some time now, but given how extremely difficult getting a blogger license can be I've only just been able to start it today april 14, 2009. I plan on posting another entry right after this one, that one will be the first proper blog entry, this one is just to introduce this sacred shrine to the stupid shit I come up with. I would also like to take this opportunity to encourage people who for one reason or another end up reading these words of wisdom to comment, please comment the shit out of my entries because otherwise I will give up, wither and die. You are duly warned.

1 comment:

  1. No se si serĂ¡ casualidad o no, pero siempre acabo leyendo tus historias...A ver si tengo tiempo y me leo el ciclo de Zilos en breves!
    Venga, un abrazo! A ver si te veo
